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Spider Webs

Almost all of us have had the unpleasant experience of walking into a spider web at some point in our lives. It often happens in the morning, when we first walk out our front door. Some species of spiders like to make webs around our porch lights because the light draws unsuspecting insects right into their webs.

It may surprise you to find out that not all spiders make silk to catch prey. Your typical orb weaver will make a web to catch food, but wolf spiders actively hunt for their food without the use of silk, and jumping spiders only use silk as a drag line to secure them when they jump. Silk composition and use by a spider depends on the species of spider. Regardless, spider silk is one of the strongest materials in nature. The silk of some species of spiders is 5 times stronger than steel (when comparing a strand of silk and steel that are both the same diameter), and it has been suggested that everyday materials such as clothing and rope could one day be made of spider silk. However, the production of synthetic spider silk has proven to be difficult because of the complicated way that the spider makes it naturally.

Regardless of how amazingly diverse the applications and uses of spider silk are, it’s hard to appreciate when you constantly walk into it. Home Paramount understands this frustration – part of our service includes removing the cobwebs that are on your home. So, at the end of the day, the last thing you have to worry about is a face full of spider silk.

Home Paramount Pest Control technician with a homeowner Home Paramount Pest Control technician with a homeowner

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